Quadrant 2, Inc. Apps

Mobile Justice: Oklahoma 4.2.0
Quadrant 2, Inc.
Communities across the U.S. continue to suffer from over-policing,racial profiling and excessive use of force. Empowered by theAmerican Civil Liberties Union of Oklahoma, the Mobile Justice OKapp is one way you can put a check on law enforcement misconductwherever, whenever. With this app you can: ​​​Record and submitincidents directly and securely to your local ACLU of Oklahomaaffiliate using your phone camera. Get instant location alerts fromfellow app users witnessing incidents nearby. Know your rights whenencountering or witnessing an incident with law enforcement, andaccess the ACLU's full library of "Know Your Rights" materials atthe click of a button. Keep up-to-date on local and statewideactions and events hosted by the ACLU. Restore justice. Downloadour free app today. This app uses the Device Administratorpermission.
Mobile Justice: Pennsylvania 4.2.1
Quadrant 2, Inc.
Communities across the U.S. continue to suffer from over-policing,racial profiling and excessive use of force. Empowered by theAmerican Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, the Mobile JusticePA app is one way you can put a check on law enforcement misconductwherever, whenever. With this app you can: ​​​Record and submitincidents directly and securely to your local ACLU of Pennsylvaniaaffiliate using your phone camera. Get instant location alerts fromfellow app users witnessing incidents nearby. Know your rights whenencountering or witnessing an incident with law enforcement, andaccess the ACLU's full library of "Know Your Rights" materials atthe click of a button. Keep up-to-date on local and statewideactions and events hosted by the ACLU. Restore justice. Downloadour free app today. This app uses the Device Administratorpermission.
Mobile Justice: New Jersey 4.2.0
Quadrant 2, Inc.
Communities across the U.S. continue to suffer from over-policing,racial profiling and excessive use of force. Empowered by theAmerican Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey, the Mobile Justice NJapp is one way you can put a check on law enforcement misconductwherever, whenever. With this app you can: ​​​Record and submitincidents directly and securely to your local ACLU of New Jerseyaffiliate using your phone camera. Get instant location alerts fromfellow app users witnessing incidents nearby. Know your rights whenencountering or witnessing an incident with law enforcement, andaccess the ACLU's full library of "Know Your Rights" materials atthe click of a button. Keep up-to-date on local and statewideactions and events hosted by the ACLU. Restore justice. Downloadour free app today. This app uses the Device Administratorpermission.
Mobile Justice: Michigan 4.2.0
Quadrant 2, Inc.
ACLU of Michigan Mobile Justice, modeled after the NYCLU “Stop andFrisk” app and developed by Quadrant 2, is one way to hold MichiganLaw Enforcement Agencies accountable for their actions. If you seesomething, say something by using ACLU of Michigan Mobile Justiceto document the police interactions you see. HOW TO USE THE APP: ToRecord: Simply hold down the camera button on the outside of yourphone, or open the app and hit the record button at the top of thescreen and the application will use your phone’s camera to recordboth audio and video. To stop recording, simply shake the phone ormanually press the ‘click to stop’ button. This video isautomatically sent to the ACLU of Michigan as soon as you stoprecording. After each recording you will be prompted to fill out ashort incident report. You can bypass the incident report by simplypressing cancel; however, we encourage you to fill it out so we canlearn more about what you saw. Required fields in the incidentreport are marked ‘required.’ If you are unsure of the informationasked in the incident report, simply mark ‘unsure’. Finally, pressthe ‘submit the incident report button’ to send your incidentreport to the ACLU of Michigan. To Witness: This feature allows youto know if people around you are getting stopped by the police.When others in your area use Mobile Justice, you will get a messagereporting where the police stop is happening. If the dot is green,it means the ‘witness’ feature is activated. If the dot is red itmeans the ‘witness’ feature is not activated and you will notreceive reports on where police activity is happening. This featureis especially useful for community groups who monitor policeactivity. Be sure to go to “my settings” to turn on “broadcast mylocation” in order for the ‘witness’ function to operate. ToReport: This function allows you to access the incident report. Youcan use this function to report a police interaction you saw orexperienced, even if you didn’t film it. Be sure to hit the‘submit’ incident report button so that your responses are sent tothe ACLU of Michigan. This app uses the Device Administratorpermission.
Mobile Justice: North Carolina 4.2.0
Quadrant 2, Inc.
ACLU of North Carolina Mobile Justice, modeled after the NYCLU“Stop and Frisk” app and developed by Quadrant 2, is one way tohold North Carolina Law Enforcement Agencies accountable for theiractions. If you see something, say something by using ACLU of NorthCarolina Mobile Justice to document the police interactions yousee. HOW TO USE THE APP: To Record: Simply hold down the camerabutton on the outside of your phone, or open the app and hit therecord button at the top of the screen and the application will useyour phone’s camera to record both audio and video. To stoprecording, simply shake the phone or manually press the ‘click tostop’ button. This video is automatically sent to the ACLU of NorthCarolina as soon as you stop recording. After each recording youwill be prompted to fill out a short incident report. You canbypass the incident report by simply pressing cancel; however, weencourage you to fill it out so we can learn more about what yousaw. Required fields in the incident report are marked ‘required.’If you are unsure of the information asked in the incident report,simply mark ‘unsure’. Finally, press the ‘submit the incidentreport button’ to send your incident report to the ACLU of NorthCarolina. To Witness: This feature allows you to know if peoplearound you are getting stopped by the police. When others in yourarea use Mobile Justice, you will get a message reporting where thepolice stop is happening. If the dot is green, it means the‘witness’ feature is activated. If the dot is red it means the‘witness’ feature is not activated and you will not receive reportson where police activity is happening. This feature is especiallyuseful for community groups who monitor police activity. Be sure togo to “my settings” to turn on “broadcast my location” in order forthe ‘witness’ function to operate. To Report: This function allowsyou to access the incident report. You can use this function toreport a police interaction you saw or experienced, even if youdidn’t film it. Be sure to hit the ‘submit’ incident report buttonso that your responses are sent to the ACLU of North Carolina. Thisapp uses the Device Administrator permission.
Mobile Justice: Oregon 4.2.0
Quadrant 2, Inc.
ACLU of Oregon Mobile Justice, modeled after the NYCLU “Stop andFrisk” app and developed by Quadrant 2, is one way to hold OregonLaw Enforcement Agencies accountable for their actions. If you seesomething, say something by using ACLU of Oregon Mobile Justice todocument the police interactions you see. How to use the app: ToReport: This function allows you to access the incident report. Youcan use this function to report a police interaction you saw orexperienced, even if you didn’t film it. Be sure to hit the‘submit’ incident report button so that your responses are sent tothe ACLU of Oregon. This app uses the Device Administratorpermission
Quadrant 2, Inc.
MigraCam: Stream video. Share your location. Know your rights.
Mobile Justice 6.33.1
Quadrant 2, Inc.
Know your rights and hold law enforcement accountable.
Y-Stop 4.2.1
Quadrant 2, Inc.
This app is a tool for you to monitor how stop and searchisconducted, either of yourself or someone else. It helps youfilmand collect your own evidence and share it with Y-Stop, nolongerhaving to rely on police records. It makes it easier for youtoreport or complain about what happened and access supportandadvice. Y-Stop is a project run by Release in partnershipwithStopWatch. This app uses the Device Administrator permission.
Time To Vote Georgia
Quadrant 2, Inc.
Voting wait timer and brief survey. Links to polling locationandvoter guides.
I'm Getting Arrested! 2.4.7
Quadrant 2, Inc.
Send emergency alerts
Prompt^ 6.36.0
Quadrant 2, Inc.
Easy alerts
Jotto 6.63.1
Quadrant 2, Inc.
Use Jotto to record videos and send them securely toorganizationsyou trust.